Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Introducing myself. Hello, from Argentina!

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Camila 10 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi there! I’m Camila and I’m from Argentina.
    My first approach to Japan dates back to 1997 when I started watching Dragon Ball with my older brother. Haha! I was 4 years old back then and after that I never stopped watching animes. Soon I began to read manga and to notice little things while reading it: expressions, sayings, traditions, and so on, that called my atention.
    Last year I added to my list of japanese entertainment the JDramas and fell in love with Japan completely. That’s when I started to do research about the japanese culture, habits, daily life, language… and I just can’t stop. I fall in love with Japan more and more as days pass by.
    I am now more interested in those topics than in their entertainment industry haha (I still watching doramas and anime, and reading manga, though)

    So, here I am today! Trying to learn japanese!
    Wish me luck C:

    ps: please excuse my poor english!

    see ya! x

    Cami x


    Heya Camila!

    Welcome to TextFugu! I am also new here, and also trying to learn Japanese. Good luck! c:


    Not from the desk of Eihiko. Eihiko's boss took his desk away from him.


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    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:


    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    Good luck and がんばって!



    Heya Camila!

    Welcome to TextFugu! I am also new here, and also trying to learn Japanese. Good luck! c:


    Nice to meet you! Thank you very much for welcoming me!
    and good luck for you too C:

    Cami x


    Welcome to TextFugu!
    Good luck and がんばって!

    Thank you very much! (for welcoming me and for all those interesting links! I’ll check them out later!)
    Good luck to you too!

    Cami x
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