This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Monique 10 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #45694

    Hello, everyone!

    My name is Catherine, but I have many nicknames and respond to almost anything. I’m a 20-year-old American girl who loves Jesus and hopes to someday live in Japan. Moving there has always been my dream, so that I can experience different cultures and spread the message of God’s love for humanity; studying the language will hopefully help me along my journey.

    Maybe we can become friends and help each other learn? Please tell me about your goals and dreams; I’d love to hear your aspirations!

    - Catherine Leivonen



    Hello! I was going to try coming up with a new nickname for you but I’m failing to come up with anything. So I’ll just stick to Catherine for now :)

    Anyways, welcome to our corner of the internet. We’re a pretty rad bunch here at TF. Enjoy your stay and don’t be afraid to ask a question, even if you feel a bit daft asking. Learning is just 90% getting stuff wrong anyways ;)

    I haz a blog


    Welcome Catherine! (/^▽^)/ (Hmmm nicknames huh? What about Cat? Rin? Cathy? X3 ) Good luck with your goal! I hope we can become friends too! ^_^

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