This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  winterpromise31 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    Copy pasting this introduction from WaniKani :3

    Hi ! I’m Lien from The Netherlands.
    I’m 21 years old and I started studying Japanese last September. To be honest when I say studying I mean randomly learn some stuff on various websites and not really studying. I know Kana and some vocabulary but that’s about it. So I joined the Total Annihilation Challenge  on Reddit and I’m really taking it seriously this year.  My goals this year are learning Kanji (as many as possible) and being able to speak to a Japanese friend who is visiting us in April. My long term goal is to get fluent, because I want to move to Japan one day to be a veterinarian (you don’t have to tell me how difficult that will be). I’m really glad my boyfriend paid for a lifetime subscription, really excited to dig into the lessons !



    Lien – Welcome! I love your goal of moving to Japan and becoming a veterinarian. Can you get your degree at home before moving or are you planning to go to college in Japan? Good luck with all of your goals!


    Total Annihilation Challenge? I’m glad you pointed that out, ’cause I wouldn’t have seen it otherwise. I’ll make a post on there as soon as I finish studying for the night. This’ll definitely help keeping me on track! Good luck to you! :D



    @winterpromise31 – I am going to get my degree at home, I’m starting in September. It is going to take me about 10 years, hopefully less to get a Masters in veterinary science.  Meanwhile I hope to visit Japan a few times to make sure I really want this, I’ll have 10 years to think about it.

    @Jason Khamphila – Great that you are joining ! Welcome to the team :D



    Oh, wow. So you really do have some long term goals set out. Good luck! 10 years sounds like such a long time but it goes faster than you think… I graduated from high school almost 13 years ago. :O

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