Home Forums TextFugu Is there a free Anki you can download on an iphone

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    First of, I’m sorry if this question has been covered loads. I’m proper thick when it comes to functions and things.

    So I went to download Anki (on my iphone) and got taken to an app that costs £18.99 *horror*. My laptops incredibly slow, so I don’t use it.

    Is there another app I can try? And would Koichi’s wonderful pre-made decks work in them.

    Sorry if these are stupid questions and many thanks for your patience if you reply to me.



    I’m no expert on Anki, though a similar-ish flash card app which I’ve been using is one called StickyStudy. Think only the N5 version is free, sadly, but even the paid version is rather cheaper than nineteen pounds…

    You CAN make your own decks (in the paid version, certainly – dunno about the free one) but I’m not sure if you can upload Anki decks into it…


    Thanks Joel, I’ll check out StickyStudy. :D

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