Home Forums TextFugu Is Wankikani worth it after finishing Textfugu?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Aikibujin 11 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #42227

    3 major questions I need verifying:

    1. Will I be able to skip to my level of Kanji in Textfugu or will I have to go through some old stuff?
    2. Does Wanikani continue to use Anki or is it it’s own system?
    3. How much extra content is there?

    Thank you very much in advance, just finished Textfugu and I need something to keep my studies moving along.



    3 major questions I need verifying:

    1. Will I be able to skip to my level of Kanji in Textfugu or will I have to go through some old stuff?<br> sadly, no
    2. Does Wanikani continue to use Anki or is it it’s own system?<br> it’s own [awesome] system
    3. How much extra content is there? compared to TF? I’d say a lot, but don’t have any numbers or anything

    Thank you very much in advance, just finished Textfugu and I need something to keep my studies moving along.


    Thanks man! I guess I’ll just have to plow through some old Kanji.



    From the WaniKani FAQ:

    What will I learn by using WaniKani?

    Currently, we have plans to take you through most of the Joyo kanji with various additions and subtractions. This includes the meanings and common readings of these kanji. On top of this you’ll be learning an estimated 5,000 Japanese vocabulary words.

    *** * ***

    Don’t be too discouraged when you start off, as it seems like it takes forever to get past radicals and get to Kanji and Vocab, but they will start coming in a lot quicker. If you actually know all the Kanji here though it will likely take quite a long time before you hit new stuff, but it will certainly help reinforce all the ones you learned here.

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