Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Jamie, from the UK

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  winterpromise31 11 years, 11 months ago.

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    My main goal for studying is to travel Japan, learning about the history and how this has affected the culture of Japan (from music to art and business to international relations). I love learning about the Heian to Meiji eras of Japanese history, but most of the texts I’ve found are either academic or not translated.

    I also want to tick more Japanese temples and castles from my list of places to visit (currently, I’ve ticked off Inasa Yama and Hirado Jo and a few other places in Kyushu). Most of the places on that list include older temples and historically important places.

    I started studying while I was at University (my major was Computer Science with Games Development), and took classes for 4 years. The classes where 2 hours per week in the semester. Unfortunately, (and perfectly in line with what lesson 1 states), I was one of the only people who took all 4 years of the class.

    御協力 (ごきょうりょく)程 (ほど)おねがい申し(もうし)上げます (あげます)



    Hi Jamie, welcome! How cool that you’ve already been to Japan. :)
    Good luck with your studies!



    Welcome to the forums, you have some interesting goals. I’d like to be able to read untranslated mythology, but will probably have to settle for translations to modern Japanese for a while yet. I guess your in a similar position?

    What part of the UK do you live in? Stroud, Gloucestershire here.



    @ winterpromise31 – I traveled out to Hirado in 2008 to visit some friends for a month. We ended up travelling to Fukuoka, Sasebo, Nagasaki and a small island just off the coast of Hirado called Oshima (best name of an island ever).


    @AstralFox – You’re right, I am in a similar position, but I’m willing to learn more and it’ll help with my interest in Japanese history to learn more language. I’m up in the north, at the minute. Near York and such.

    Thanks for the warm welcome, too everyone



    That sounds like a fantastic trip!

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