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    You have to apply in advance because they are full every single day (←unsure about this).

    @vivian yeah seems a bit far away, thats really in like what, 10 months?

    And if you planning to go, send an email to these guys:


    Since they have people that know about the process.



    Thank you, missingno15! I’m going to mail them right away, I’m so curious.

    Right now I’m checking about that Japan Rail Pass and I was wondering if there’s a need for me to get one?
    I still have no real plans about where I go when I’m there but I don’t think I will travel more that 3 times (for 1 or 2 days) outside of Tokyo. The costs for me and my boyfriend for that ticket would be over 1.000 USD.
    I think it may be cheaper for us if we buy traintickets directly at the station if there’s need to. Maybe there are weekly train tickets? Does somebody has experience with that?



    YES get the JR rail pass it saves you so much money its not even funny even traveling round trip from tokyo to osaka or kyoto and back will pay for itself.I get it every time I go



    But I think I won’t go that far away from Tokyo because we’re short on money to do the bigh trips :D
    I was thinking about staying 3-4 days in Tokyo, than visit an onsen around Hakone for 2 days, then back to Tokyo for a day or two (just staying in another hotel) and I really want to visit Edo Wonderland for one day. We’re staying there for around 13 days so of course there is still a lot of space for more action but I’m still looking and unsure what to do…



    Yeah, do the sums. http://www.hyperdia.com will tell you how much your train tickets will cost you. It’s probably only going to be worth the money if you’re traveling long distance – I saved a significant amount on my trip with the JR Pass, but I went all the way out to Hiroshima and back. Looks like a trip to the bottom end of Hakone is going to cost you about 1500 yen each way, but since most of the lines through Hakone are Odakyuu, you can’t use the JR Pass, and you’re probably better off getting the Hakone Free Pass instead.

    It might still be worth getting the JR Pass even if you don’t quite get your money’s worth, because the peace of mind it affords is incredible. It’s certainly also worth looking into getting a Suica card.



    anyone else have any good ideas for things to do while traveling to Japan in the month of December and first like 5 days of January, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



    anyone else have any good ideas for things to do while traveling to Japan in the month of December and first like 5 days of January, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    I’ve heard of the big new years festivals and visiting a shrine and getting those new years gift bags. I think one day can be filled with these kind of stuff :)



    So my savings fund for my planned one-month Japan survival study trip extravaganza this November has gone from a decent $2,100 to… $50.10… :(

    Sadly, some urgent payments had to take precedence over dreams, and I had to pull from the trip fund. So the whole thing is now pretty much cancelled for the foreseeable future. Thank God I didn’t buy the ticket yet.

    I’m now going to try to see if I can rebuild my savings and maybe shoot for next year. I might have to take a third job to make this happen, but it is what it is.

    On the bright side, this gives me a chance to start studying Japanese again and have a whole year’s worth of improving for my rusted and crumbling speaking ability.

    I just hope this time I can save up without another emergency coming out of nowhere.



    Gigatron, sorry you had to postpone your trip. :( I’m really glad you were able to face your emergency without financial worries, though. Postponing the trip really stinks.



    Hello everyone!
    Seems like nobody needed anymore help for their Japan trip :) That’s good to hear!

    So, finally we have 2013 (happy new year!!) and my trip to Japan is coming so very close that I’m really getting nervous!! >_<

    My boyfriend found an app for iPhone and Android that helps us to find the sightseeing spots in Tokyo. For what I can see for now it seems very helpful, I’m going to tell you everything about it when we can actually test/use in Tokyo by ourselves! ;) Or maybe some people already tested it? Any reviews?
    mTrip Tokyo Travel Guide

    I was also thinking about renting a cellphone for taking photos and uploading them right away and that’s where my question start: Is it profitable? Or shall I wait until I am in my hotel in the evening to upload them via Wifi? I tried to check some prices but I’m at work right now and can’t really scroll through google :P But I’m so curious right now!! If it’s about 20$ a week I would rent one…

    I hope somebody can help!



    Renting a phone might be worth it. But using it to upload your photos on the run? Not worth your time. Ignore Facebook and e-mails and whatever when you’re sightseeing – do your sighteeing and only your sightseeing, then do your Internet stuff at night when you’re back in the hotel.

    Also, reckon you should use a real camera rather than a phone camera, but that might be just me.



    Alright then. Maybe I’m just too ‘online’ with my life. My boyfriend also asked me not to do it, because we’re also have a little vacation over there. I need to calm down :)

    We finally got our hotel, a nice app for traveling but still I’m very nervous! I’ve been slacking of with my japanese studies for about 2 months now and I’m trying to keep the stuff in my head that’t already inside. It’s hard to study alone.

    Still 65 days to go! >_<


    I am bringing my ipad and just renting pocket wifi. I want to be able to look up stuff and get directions wherever I am :)



    Hah, I just had my old Nokia when I went, which couldn’t even get reception, and wouldn’t charge on the lower voltage. Every hotel we stayed in had Internet, though, so I could check e-mails and whatever at night. But yeah, it did mean I’d have to pre-empt what sort of directions I’d need before hand, and either memorise them or download them to the Kindle. In a pinch, the Kindle also gave me free Internet (since, unlike my old Nokia, it’s 3G-capable) but the built-in browser is a little slow and clunky, so it was kind of for desperate straits only.


    For those of you who have been to Japan before, how much would you suggest bringing for spending cash? And where in Japan is the cheapest to fly to? I’ve been looking into couch surfing, and really, the only reason I want to go is to simply be there and converse with people. I’ve imported most of the stuff I’d want over the years, so I’m not looking into spending a bunch of cash on material stuff, just food.


    What’s the bare minimum of cash I could bring safely, what’s the cheapest airport statistically?

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