Hello !
I have been enjoying my textfugu for a while now and was trucking along through the lessons when I ran into the “introduce yourself” section a while back. I have been amused and beguiled by the way the lessons have been put together so far and as I read the part about what is your japanese name I could not help but think bothering Koichi with an email, as the lesson suggest I do, would be odd. Not that I do not feel almost like he’s my besty after watching the vids and listening to him TEMEH!!! over and over for fun, but I thought I should try my hand at finding my “japanese name” with the help of the all knowing internet….
Lesson learned.
There are so many variations for DAWN (my name) that I kind of feel like I am an amorphous blob of possibility.
I suppose having a noun/verb for a name is part of the problem but I wanted to see if anyone else had experienced the same thing =)
I have been having a blast! I plan to visit Japan at some point in the future so it seemed natural to try to not be completely ignorant, if I could help it. I doubted at my age I could learn enough to be dangerous but I have made a lot more progress than I imagined in such a short amount of time. Thank you Koichi and Textfugu!