Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Japanese people talking

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    I don’t see a forum search function (noob) and I’ve been breaking the rules in the “what are you listening to now” thread, so here’s a new thread. Reading some AJATT, I was inspired to find some countless hours of Japanese to listen to. Just people talking. Well, that search brought me to Japanese radio, and that brought me to http://www.mumix.net/, where there is a “Talk & Music” tab, where there are a bunch of “shows” where people just talk for about an hour. Multiple episodes per “show” with just a tad of music in between conversations. I have no clue what they’re saying, but man, I love it. I’ll catch a 「そうですね」 once in a while. :P

    Get in on this if you’re interested. It’s pretty awesome. Currently listening to “MUSIC VOX”.

    And I’m terribly sorry if there’s already a thread like this. :)

    P.S. Feel free to add more of your favorite links to Japanese people talking. Gotta get that 10,000 hours in, right?



    That’s a pretty handy find! Might just throw it on in the background.
    That is basically the whole purpose of this right? I don’t remember what AJJAT said about it anymore since I don’t use it frequently :p



    I may be mistaken, but I don’t think you need to pay 125% attention for it to count. Whenever I hear a word I recognize (recognize, not understand) I just look it up on jisho, and that happens about once every 5 or 10 minutes. That seems pretty productive, to me.

    On a side note, any content that can actually be downloaded and put on mobile devices would be highly appreciated, or if anyone knows if there’s a way to download the content I posted. I’d love to have a couple hours on my iPod. :(


    I use KeyHoleTV. Though to be honest, I don’t think I’ve actually used it in about a couple of months :P



    Downloadable content? Any audio only stuff?



    I tried to find podcasts from NHK, but couldn’t find much. This appears to have a variety of professional podcasts:


    A couple I tried appear to be able to be put on iTunes, so they’ll probably go on my iPod too. That’s at my office, though, so I can’t check it right now.




    Did some searching, and this page has Hideo Kojima’s podcast, and some type of comedy. Awesome.

    Though, they only list a few podcasts. I wonder why.



    If you can find Japanese television streams, they’re probably the best, because seeing someone talk gives you hints because of expression and body movement. Although Keyhole is ok, the quality is very iffy.



    Thanks a lot for this. I always like having new streams and podcasts. I especially like “Sweet lounge” as it is really chill. She speaks really relaxing and I actually understand a lot of what she is saying, or at least have the feeling that “my mind” gets it, as I don’t try to diretcly translate it.
    SOme of this stuff can be downloaded via iTunes, like Sweet Lounge. Nice.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by  Revenant.


    Oh, wow, it *can* be downloaded to iTunes. Thanks a lot. I’ll probably switch over to Sweet Lounge, now. I can’t download Music Vox to iTunes, and I don’t wanna sit at my computer all day. (which is also the only problem with TV streams) Thanks for that, Revenant. I didn’t notice.

    Check out Music Vox sometime, though. It was like 4 people talking together, so there were a lot of good reactions, etc to learn. I heard them reply with 「ちょっと!!」 a lot… Looked it up, and didn’t make any sense that they’d reply with it so often. lol. Anyone know whatsup with that?



    Not everyone will be interested in this, but since I like drawing, I frequently go to this guy’s Ustream: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/yoshikadu2010

    He goes live almost every night and talks to his crowd about random things while he’s drawing. Best thing about it is, the people talking to him are typing in Japanese, and whatever they say is repeated back via creepy robot voice.. so I can always hear what’s being said. :)

    While I’m not really into manga or anime, it’s still really interesting to watch him draw his manga; he’s really good. :)

    Lots of casual back and forth, and even catch a mix of formal speech.

    That being said, Ustream is a great place for random live Japanese things, from watching people play video games, to radio shows and other things. I’ve come to love it! I’ve found it’s a nice change if you’re bored of podcasts, etc.

    Edit: If you DO happen to go, I suggest you have some sort of Ad blocking plugin; the random ads can get REALLY annoying.. Adblock does the trick for me with Firefox, I never have to see an ad. :D

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by  リンディ.


    This is perfect! When I’m at work I need something like this to listen to when music gets boring. I’ve been going on Japanese youtube and just clicking random videos to listen to, this is a better solution.



    Here’s some more great stuff I found.


    A bunch of content for free, she speaks at a moderate speed, and it’s in iTunes, so you can put it on your mobile devices. (I’m pretty sure this works on non-Apple devices, too? Download it into iTunes then find the actual files in the iTunes folder)

    This is quickly becoming an archive of awesome listening material. I like it.

    Edit: Actually, only the first one is very long. The rest are fairly short, but all together, the series is about 45-55 minutes of content, and I figured I’d listen to it at least 10-15+ times eventually. Repetition is the mother of skill, after all.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by  Mars.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 7 months ago by  Mars.


    iTunes store has free audio podcasts (all in Japanese) by Konami, Capcom, and Square Enix, if you’re into that. Best studying, ever.



    The best station I found on mumix is “sweet lounge”, she speaks fairly slow, and some of it can be understood by beginners, which is pretty exciting haha.

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