Home Forums The Japanese Language Japanese Radicals

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 9 years, 8 months ago.

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    I’ve been learning radicals through WaniKani and, more recently, TextFugu as well. While taking notes and looking up stroke orders for some radicals, I noticed I could only find certain radicals through TextFugu and WaniKani. For example, the gun radical and the leaf radical did not appear on any lists I checked for stroke order. Most others are there though. Are there certain radicals that aren’t recognized or are set aside for some reason?



    You haven’t found them because they are not actually radicals in the technical sense; they are just common occurrences within kanji.
    Here is the Wikipedia article for kanji radicals (部首-bushu).



    You haven’t found them because they are not actually radicals in the technical sense;

    I was wondering if it was something along those lines. Thank you very much!



    Yeah, Koichi’s pretty much invented his own set of radicals, along with names and mnemonics. I generally prefer to just follow the official list.

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