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    For those of you living in the modern world, this may not be as neat for you. But I have compiled a list of a couple of Japanese radio signals for the shortwave radio. (Not a conventional radio)
    Generally they get picked up at anywhere between three to six in the morning. So, if you feel like listening to some Japanese news, weather, music, interviews and so on check them out. Also, if you aren’t familiar with shortwave radios, this probably isn’t for you.

    6055 – Nihon Shortwave Broadcasting Company – Tokyo Japan
    11815 – Radio Japan – Tokyo Japan
    15310 – Radio Japan – Tokyo Japan

    5960 Khz (Japanese) 0200 – 0300 UTC
    5060 Khz (Japanese) 0300 – 0400 UTC
    11690 Khz (English) * Japanese Lessons 0600 – 0700 UTC

    Nihon shortwave is generally the best bet, shortwave stations get kinda messy from time to time, and can be dropped at strange times due to the weather, season, or even certain appliances in your home.

    But yeah, I get up early every and listen to Nihon, its a pretty neat station. Sometimes there are interveiws, and music, (the music is kind of a jip, mostly classical)

    But yeah, good luck and keep up the froodulence.



    Nice thread!

    If anyone is looking for some internet radio stations, which can be used for some awesome passive/active listening then check out http://www.simulradio.jp/



    I would check it out, however, I only have icky dial up at the moment. Make’s me bleeeeach. :)



    I have been listening to http://www.ladio.net but http://www.simulradio.jp looks like it’d be better – so I’m going to give that a try tonight! Thanks for starting the thread and sharing the info/links :D


    I use KeyholeTV – while I actually only use it for the audio from TV channels, it’s got a whole bunch of radio stations too.



    Keyhole is great. I mostly listen to TBS Radio 954. It’s mostly chatting… and can be pretty entertaining too. :D



    Yeah, I prefer the chatting. This morning on Nikkei Radio, there was some kind of race going on. I couldn’t hear or comprehend much of what the guy was yelling, primarily due to the fact that he was speaking a million words a minute. Heh. Plus, the classical music is a nice touch in between radio segments. I only wish I had higher speed internet, so that I could stream a radio program. Anyone know of something like that, that could work on dial up? no? didn’t think so… bwahahaha :)

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