This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Kyoto 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #40305

    Matt Bird

    Hey all, I wish there was a search function on the forum(unless there is and my oblivious blindness is getting the better of me) so I could see if this has been talked about much which I’m sure it has.

    Either way, the JLPT is coming up in a week or so and I’m a little panicked about the things I haven’t learned yet. I know about the obvious official resource. But could anyone else direct me to some good study resources for the test?

    Thanks so much in advance.



    There used to be a search function, but it was always well-hidden, and it became more and more well-hidden with each forum upgrade. I’m yet to find it in the current version… is the list of official books released by the Japan Foundation (who run the JLPT), which may well be the “obvious official resource” you mentioned, but I’m not sure – I bought the N4/N5 Test Guidebook before I did the test, and it was fairly helpful. Not sure where you can buy it in your area – I got mine from Kinokuniya.

    So far as I understand, there’s no officially published list of what’s going to be in the test, but many people have made educated guesses. I study with an iPhone/iPad flashcard app called Sticky Study – it’s got decks of kanji and vocab for all five JLPT levels (though aside from example sentences, no grammar, unfortunately).


    Matt Bird

    Thanks for the reply and suggestions. Books and shipping of them can get pricey in New Zealand and physical things like that clutter my environment.  On the bright side though, my memory failed me and I have another month instead of another week. So now I have no doubt on the few things I don’t know yet. I wound up getting the Grammar Plus! Vocab with Music from which I’m going to throw onto a brainwave entrainment track to improve memory with a software called Neruo-Programmer 2. looks pretty promising also. Oh, and the official resource I was referring to was of the official website



    Joel (or anyone else who has done it) – did you do anything to specifically improve your listening ability for the test?



    No. Which may be why my listening ability is so terrible. =P

    I probably should, though, considering my lack of ability is the main reason why I’ve not tried for N4 yet. Or higher. And it’s starting to hinder me in class a bit too…



    Do those guidebooks teach the grammar, and teach it well? Or are they better for practice?



    Guidebooks typically don’t teach, just point out what it is that you need to know…



    Darn it. Do you know of some books that follow the JLPT structure? Hopefully some that are online, and cheap/free. Tanos has a collection, but no explanations…



    This is a good resource.
    Good fortune.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by  Kyoto.
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