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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  vanandrew 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi everyone!

    Not sure if JLPT has been discussed yet on these forums. I did a search and haven’t come across any. However, if there is a thread, apologies in advance!

    Koichi and team – Any thoughts on possibly adding JLPT lessons/resources to TextFugu? I’m currently gearing up for JLPT N5 (baby steps haha) scheduled for this December. My sensei LOVES the N5 books by Ask Publishing but N5 books seem to be hard to come by (even online). Do you recommend any other books?

    Thanks again! Love your work!!




    I did N5 a year and a half back – just plain not confident enough in my listening ability to try for any higher ones. I got the official N4/N5 guidebook from Bojinsha – if you’ve got a Kinokuniya in your area, you can buy it from there.

    Otherwise, I pretty much just used iPhone apps – Sticky Study has flash cards of vocab and kanji for all JLPT levels (and also kanji sorted by school year, and the full joyo list). You can also find apps with (unofficial) practice questions without too much difficulty.


    You’ll not get a response from Koichi or any other TextFugu staffers by posting on the forum, you’ll come to learn that :P If you want to get in touch, send emails to every account you can find – or get him on Twitter and/or Facebook – and just hope for a reply.

    Alternatively, you could just look at this site: http://www.jlptstudy.net/
    I haven’t used it but it looks pretty good to me and I’ve seen others recommend it. Plus even if Koichi gets your correspondence and decides to act on it, you’ll have passed N1 before anything actually gets put up on the site ;)



    Hi all! Thanks so much for your input! I’ll look into the resources you’ve recommended. All the best!!


    Albino Rhino

    Here is another great resource I’ve used, Tanos.co.uk.

    "Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." ~George Washington Carver


    A Rhino – have you sat JLPT yet? If so, how did you find tanos for it?

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