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    Can I take the JLPT N5 test even though Im still in high school?



    Yep, no worries. You may find you’ll need to look into where the nearest testing centre is on your own, though, unless your school is happy to help you out.

    From what I’ve heard, finishing TextFugu should just about prepare you for N5, though you may want to look for a study guide for extra help. I couldn’t speak from personal experience on this, though, as I studied at university simultaneously, and don’t really recall what I learnt from TextFugu and what I learnt from uni. =P I also use a flash-card app on my iPhone and iPad called StickyStudy – it’s got kanji and vocab decks for each of the JLPT levels, and the N5 decks are free.


    What would the JLPT really give me as a foreigner? I cannot think of more than maybe the reason it would help in my application for the JET program which would not be until I get my bachelors…Im lucky enough for there to be a testing centre in Toronto :-) Any ideas on how to study for the listening section?



    The JLPT is something nice to put on your résumé, if nothing else. It’s an officially accredited test of your Japanese proficiency.

    For listening, practice practice practice. There’s a few practice questions on the official website at http://www.jlpt.jp/e/samples/forlearners.html – or you can ask Google-sensei.

    One sneaky trick with the listening questions is that all of the multiple-choice answers will be spoken in the recording, to prevent you from just cherry-picking specific words out of the passage. For example, if the question is, say “at what time did they agree to meet?” with the given options as 8:30, 8:45, 9:00 and 9:15, then the recording will go something like “How about we meet at 8:30?” “No, that’s too early – how about 9:00?” “I have a meeting at 9:15, so I can’t do that.” “Guess it’ll have to be 8:45″. Or something like that.


    Does watching Japanese shows and anime help?



    Honestly, I couldn’t really say. Nothing seems to have helped my listening ability. =P

    Maybe stick with live-action shows more than anime, because anime characters tend to speak in exaggerated caricatures. How many English speakers do you know that talk like the Simpsons? =)


    Same hear its all good when its on paper but then when I get in actual conversation or listen I panic… Its the same for my French abilities.

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