I searched for JLPT but nothing came up, so I made a topic.
I got most of the Kanji I should need for N5, from Wani, but what do I need in terms of grammar and other things? How does Textfugu help and prepare me, and what else do I need?
Yes, I’m aware that N5 is basically useless, but I’d like to do it anyways, mainly for personal motivation and to experience the whole process from an early stage on. Seeing what’s involved, how things work during the test, etc, can’t be wrong either.
It’s not pressing, seeing that I’m probably aiming for summer 2015 due to the early sign-up date for winter 2014. I’d simply like to be ready when I sign up – instead of working towards the date of the test.
Best regards.
Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.