Home Forums The Japanese Language JLPT winter 2013

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    Who are taking JLPT this winter and where? I am curious to know ^^



    Considering it. Though, if I did, it’ll be this summer. Winter’s already over, don’cha know? =P



    dammit australia

    im thinking about it too


    Is it still N4 you are considering Joel?



    N4 or N3. Dunno. I might pick up the N3 study guide and see what it looks like, but in the end I still think my listening ability is the limiting factor.


    As it is for most people who self study ^^;



    I’m looking to do it…this summer.


    What level? :P

    I didn’t write it in the first post, but I will do N3.



    Sorry, N5. I did the ‘test’ test on the website and did ok with it, except for the speaking, so think I should be ok with it.
    Am too pessimistic to try N4 at this stage, don’t think I’m really ready for it.



    You guys probably all know already, but you can do some practice problems here –>

    I’m taking N5! ^^


    Tried the N4 sample questions. Did reasonably well on the first two sections; did… not so well on the listening >.< The difficulty of listening and speaking is TOO DAMN HIGH!

    Edit: Just tried N3 too. Got most of the first two sections right again. Gave up on listening at the first question.



    Just bought really expensive 日本語能力試験 books.

    FML, count me in for #JLPT #N1


    Don’t use the tests on the website as a reference. They aren’t comparable with the real test :/ Try to do some past tests instead, they will give you a much better idea about how the test is.

    Yeah, it’s so fucking expensive to buy books abroad. I’m glad I got all mine while in Japan ^^;



    I’ve looked at past samples & other guidelines, they felt about right for me.

    Booked in for the test today! Should do some study…


    How’s everyone studying for the JLPT?
    I am doing something pretty overkill this year and going through the cumulative word list adding all words I don’t know :P There aren’t many so it’s pretty easy to do. I’m almost done reviewing all grammar, and will move on to a book I have about listening and 500 questions for JLPT 3/2. After that all that’s left is do some past test and I should be ready :P

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