Hello there people of Textfuguland, I have just recently joined your Japanese learning community and thought it quite proper in the tradition of my English ancestry to introduce myself, though not too formally; I’m not that traditional. Anyway, I’ve been learning Japanese for about 8 months now and have been on WaniKani for over a month and finally decided to go the whole haul and get into Textfugu. My reasons for learning Japanese are many, but mainly, the only reason I’ve kept it up and probably will keep it up is that I simply find the challenge fun. I obviously enjoy the sounds and form of the language and the am interested in Japanese pop culture like so many but unlike many things I’ve attempted to learn in the past, Japanese is the one that I keep coming back to on a daily basis with constant eagerness. It’s clearly not a novelty thing as it has been 8 months and I show no sign of slowing down my learning (until uni starts again that is).
I really don’t fathom why I’ve become so enraptured with learning Japanese but why question it when I just inherently enjoy it so much? Anyway that’s my two cents for anyone who might care to listen and I hope to get involved as much as I can here on the forums and make some 友人! All else I’ll say is that I just got to the ‘Yoda grammar’ section and I never imagined my favourite character of all time would be teaching me Japanese! I mean, the wise Jedi master Yoda has inspired and taught me so much already, who’d have figured he would have helped me with my Japanese learning as well. Grateful am I, yes.
This topic was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by
This topic was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by
This topic was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by