
Home Forums TextFugu Kanji 1-1 Vocab, Season 2, Anki

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    I downloaded, unzipped and imported the Kanji Vocab deck (found here http://www.textfugu.com/season-2/past-tense-nouns/4-3/#top labeled as: Kanji Vocab 1) and was going through them and noticed that the vocab changes “hitotsu” and “futatsu” to “hitori” and “futatri” by using the radical for “person.” I’m just wondering if I missed something where tsu changes to ri.

    “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” ― Albert Einstein


    As you know or might not know, in Japanese there are many different counters used to count different things. It’s not like it is in English. Unfortunately, Koichi doesn’t state this anywhere in the beginning of Textfugu, which leads to mass confusion from people who have little or no prior knowledge of Japanese. Perhaps he will state this in a future update.

    Fortunately, he did write a guide on Tofugu about the most common counters: http://www.tofugu.com/guides/japanese-counters-guide/

    一つ (ひとつ) = one thing, 二つ (ふたつ) = two things, 三つ (みっつ) = three things, etc. This is the general counter to count “things”. As he says in the guide, you shouldn’t rely on this too much and only use it for things that don’t have counters or aren’t specified.

    一人 (ひとり) = one person, 二人 (ふたり) = two people, 三人 (さんにん) = three people, etc. This is the counter for counting people. It usually ends in にん but the first two are different.



    Thanks bunches for the update! This helps a lot!

    “I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.” ― Albert Einstein


    I’ve just recently worked through Season 2 Chapter 4 (currently on Season 2 Chapter 6!) and this confused me to begin with too. It is briefly mentioned in Chapter 5 on the 人 kanji page – the pronunciation and meaning of 一人 is at the bottom. 二人 hasn’t come up yet outside of Anki though!

    I wonder if the 人 words and sentences weren’t meant to be in Chapter 5 when 人 is supposed to be learnt..?

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