Home Forums TextFugu Kanji 3-3 typo?

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    The reading for the kanji 川 in the Kanji 3-3 anki deck is given as せん.  However, according to the Kanji’s textfugu page せん is the on’yomi, rarely ever used, and not worth learning. I guess it falls in the 20% of the 80-20, or maybe the last 5% lol. I don’t know. Anyway, so it’s not technically wrong, but should we study かわ instead?

    As an aside, WaniKani teaches 川 as かわ.



    There’s a ton of threads on the whole on’yomi and kun’yomi debate already. So I won’t go too much into that on here.

    As for 川, koichi initially included the on’yomi reading  (せん) in the Textfugu kanji anki decks. On Wanikani, he’s scrapped it completely and has you learn (かわ) instead. かわ does seem to be a lot more common in vocab words. A quick search on jisho.org  for vocab  containing 川, almost all of them use かわ in the reading. The only one which uses せん is 川柳 (せんりゅう) which means comic haiku. I’m sure there are more words which do use せん instead of かわ but they could be advanced or uncommon words.

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