Home Forums TextFugu Kanji 3-Stroke Radicals Missing?…

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    I am currently on the “numbers” section of Textfugu season 2(here’s the exact page: http://www.textfugu.com/season-2/numbers/9-9/#top), and for the second time, Koichi has said “of course, you should already know all the 3-stroke radicals.” The problem is, I don’t! He gives a link to the list of the radicals(http://www.textfugu.com/kanji/radicals-3/) and he’s only put about a third of them in my Anki decks so far. I looked at the “kanji” page of Textfugu, and some of the 3-stroke radicals are 2/3rds of the way down the page, way ahead of where I should be at this point. Am I missing something?



    Possibly a holdover from an older version of how the kanji were sorted. He used to sort the radicals strictly by the number of strokes, but that’s been changed. Guess he didn’t manage to update all of the pages that refer to the radicals at the same time.



    Gotcha. I’ll just ignore it then. Thanks!

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