Home Forums TextFugu Kanji 6.5 Vocab all Audio clipping?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Aikibujin 10 years, 11 months ago.

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    At the end of each vocal word, the audio just clips and I can’t even hear the full pronunciation. It’s really frustrating to hear and see two different things.

    For tongue, instead of saying した、the woman just says し- and it abruptly cuts off.

    I just downloaded OSX for the Mac, I doubt it has anything to do with this.

    Are your audio clips cutting too from this vocal deck? If not, do you possibly know how I can fix this problem?

    Thanks a lot!


    Just went into the Kanji-vocab folder and played out the した file and it sounds fine. But it’s still incorrect on Anki.



    I just did a fresh download of these into a blank deck and they all seem to be working for me, though one is missing an audio file completely.

    I would suggest deleting the deck, go to tools, click ‘check media’ and ‘check database’ and then do a fresh download and import for them.

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