Home Forums TextFugu Kanji at the bottom of Textfugu pages

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    When I see the kanji at the bottom of the Textfugu pages, I often think that they should be reversed.
    That is to say, when I see 「前」I want to move to the “front of the book” and the “before” pages. And when I see the 「後」kanji I want to move toward the end of the book.

    But the logic seems to be that these kanji are abbreviations backward =「 後戻り」and forward 「 前方」。Perhaps if these expressions were not abbreviated it would be better. But if this is common in Japanese, I will have to get used to it! By the way, “jisho.org” is a wonderful dictionary, and I highly recommend the beta site.




    Nope, Koichi’s got it exactly right here – remember that 前 also means “forward” and 後 also means “backward”. They’re words in their own right, not abbreviations.

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