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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Robert Brown 13 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #19309

    Robert Brown

    I was wondering if anyone knows how to get this kanji deck http://www.textfugu.com/kanji/1-2-stroke/#3 to show the readings and not the meanings of the Kanji. The meanings in English are no problem to me but when I use this deck in Anki that is all It shows for the answer. I want the on/kun readings to show instead of the meaning. Tried to tinker with it but no luck.



    > I want the on/kun readings to show instead of the meaning

    If I am looking at the same thing you are, that deck has 3 types of cards:

    Kanji -> Meaning
    Kanji -> Reading
    Kanji -> Radicals

    So are you saying you have never seen any of the Kanji->Reading cards? How many cards have you studied?

    > Tried to tinker with it but no luck.

    What did you do?


    Robert Brown

    I just used the study options to change things on it. For some reason it would only show up with the meaning cards and not the readings. I got Ankidroid recently and it seems to work for me better on there, also I can take it with me :)

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