Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese Kanji Map – Sharing is Caring

This topic contains 4 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  isocracy 12 years, 10 months ago.

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    So as the community has been so kind to me right from the get go, I thought I’d share something I’ve put together for my own study. However it will most likely be helpful for at least a couple of people.

    Kanji charts are a really nice idea.. Although expensive.. Then when you want to write on them, get close, make notes.. annoying. What is helpful is one that you can print yourself! Not only is it cheap, but it means you can scribe all over it and just re-print when all your terrible hand-writing becomes too embarrassing to bear…

    So here’s a full size copy of my Kanji Chart _ http://www.mediafire.com/i/?6rmfffxzh6vp7c5
    I’ve ripped it from a CC licensed file here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:2230_Kanji.svg

    I’ve also produced a4 sheets of each 100 group of Kanji – Useful for when you want to select study a few or group.. or for just whatever reason: http://www.mediafire.com/?7nr3q3323cf5dyr
    (Included in that rar file is the big 2000+ sheet as above).

    I hope this proves useful to someone else than me.. It’s something I’m keen to get started on now all the radicals are in my head and RTK has thoroughly bored the shit out of me.

    Apologies that the characters are not copy and pastable (obviously being a jpg) however I’ve always thought it’s a good idea to get practice looking up Kanji by radicals (on jisho) – as when you’re out and about in Japan.. No copy and past from street signs!

    Your feedback would be much appreciated!



    Thanks alot iso. Will definitely make use of these resources. :)



    Wow, massive!



    I had a bit of a look at this. What, exactly, is a kanji map, though?



    Well thats what it was called when i pinched it from Whickipeedya – Lets just take map to be a pretentious alternative for poster.

    “That item on my wall over tonder is a Kanji Map”
    “This ‘ere is one o’dem Kanji Posters”

    See.. Much better!

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