Home Forums TextFugu Kanji on textfugu or wanikani?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Solmors 10 years, 8 months ago.

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    I have just begun Radicals 1 in season 2 of TextFugu. I already have a wanikani account so would it be a good idea to begin using it for Radical 1 or just follow along with the TextFugu lesson instead?



    It’s your choice. I think WaniKani works very well but some people complain about it takes so much time when you begin to level up that you don’t have time to study grammar. If someone don’t agree with me please say it, so we can get a varied opinions.
    I choose to unsubscribe from WK and make my own decks instead (and I follow TF’s decks at the same time). This way I have much more control. If I feel I could do more, I can always add more cards. If it builds up too much so I don’t get enough time, I just don’t add new cards for a (relatively short) period. This way I can make sure I learn vocabs I need more faster, as I add them from eg. articles I want to read and lang-8 entries I’ve written.



    I prefer wanikani myself and have completely switched to it for all radicals, kanji and kanji based vocab.

    The reviews do pile up, but that’s because people just rush ahead and don’t pace themselves. You don’t have to do the lessons as soon as they are available to you. If you wait until you are ready for adding more reviews to do the lessons, you will find you don’t get overwhelmed as much. Of course you don’t level up as fast as if you rushed through it, but it helps me actually retain the knowledge.

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