Home Forums TextFugu Kanji Radicals Deck Addition – Visualize/Draw

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Nick 13 years ago.

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    Hey guys.
    With the site overhaul, it looks like the cards prompting you to visualize or draw each radical were scrapped. I personally found these cards pretty useful, so I decided to recreate them using the new system. Hopefully these will be useful to other people, so links to download are below.
    Radicals 1
    Radicals 2
    Radicals 3
    Radicals 4
    Radicals 5
    Radicals 6

    Any corrections would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



    Thanks for this, these were very useful.

    Are there similar decks for the kanji by any chance?



    Glad they were useful. I’ll try to find some time to make decks for kanji in the next few days.

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