Home Forums The Japanese Language Kanji – Which reading?

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    Sometimes, I see kanji with multiple readings, such as 2+ kun’yomi or on’yomi readings for the same kanji. I get a little confused over which one of those multiple readings of the same type should be used. (Assuming the kun’yomi readings don’t have any hiragana attached) Are they interchangeable most of the time?

    Black tea - Best tea.


    All kanji are different. That’s something you’ll have to learn individually for each kanji.



    If I have to choose which reading I should learn, I take a glance through the common words using the kanji on jisho.org, and try to figure which reading is the most useful one.
    If the other reading also are useful you’ll learn them when you learn the words using them.



    Yeah, it’s very rare that readings are interchangeable. Your best bet is to learn the vocab, and the readings will be learnt as a result – don’t try to learn the readings in isolation. Once you’ve got some vocab under your belt, you’ll start being able to intuit the readings of words you haven’t seen before.

    Once you’ve got some kanji under your belt, you even start to be able to intuit the readings of kanji you’ve never seen before.



    Alright, thanks for all the answers. I’ve been poking around Wanikani, and it has helped me with understanding how readings work and I feel that I’ll have no problem with the readings in the future.

    Black tea - Best tea.
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