Home Forums The Japanese Language katakana help

This topic contains 19 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  Hatt0ri 13 years, 2 months ago.

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    I need major katakana help. This stuff just isn’t connecting in my brain. -.-

    In the katakana lesson and on the chart, it says that トゥ is pronounced “to.” On anki, it pronounces it “too.” Which is right? It’s hard for me to go on because I don’t want to start any bad habits, but I can’t really learn unless I completely study what’s written, which isn’t possible if I’m trying to temporarily forget these kana.

    Thanks in advance



    It’s pronounced “tu” – it’s needed because the katakana t+u sound is pronounced “tsu”. For example, Tomorrowland, an area in the Tokyo Disneyland, it written as トゥモローランド in katakana.

    As with all the small-vowel katakana combinations, it’s pronounced by replacing the vowel sound of the big one with the small one – it’s different to the kana glides. So トゥ is “to” with a “u” in place of the “o” to make “tu”, フェ, is “fu” with an “e” in place of the “u” to make “fe”, et cetera.


    Maybe it meant “to” as in the English “to”, which is pronounced the same as “too” and “two”. Either it’s meant to be like that, which is unnecessarily confusing considering the Japanese “to”, or it’s just a typo.



    Yeah, I was a bit puzzled by that lesson as well – Koichi even makes a specific point of saying “トゥ isn’t used that much because it’s pronounced the same as と”‘ to which my first thought was “…so why would they have it?” Methinks Koichi might be a little confused here. It’s not until you posted this thread that I actually thought of looking for examples where it’s commonly used, so thanks for that, Jesse. =)


    「トゥ」isn’t pronounced like 「と」 lolwut?

    Unless it’s supposed to be a trailing thing, like 「ねぇ」, but I doubt that’s the case here.



    Yeah, it is pronounced “tu”.

    You can check here if you have any doubts about certain katakana combo. But all pronunciations follow the same rule as Joel explained, so after some practice it’s not really hard to figure out how they should sound.

    Uh, is there a tag I can use to paint a link blue? XD

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by  Hatt0ri.

    No, this forum sucks :3




    Maybe I can underline it.
    Edit: No I can’t.

    Don’t mind me, just testing.

    I can bold it. <- the link, I mean.

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by  Hatt0ri.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by  Hatt0ri.
    • This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by  Hatt0ri.



    It was too long and too ugly to leave it like that XD



    Does anyone know how to write ティ using keyboard? It’s not “ti”, when I type in “ti” it comes out as チ.



    If you are using Google IME try typing “texi” in katakana mode or hold down shift in hiragana, that should work. ティティティティティ!

    Putting an x before makes any character small I think, I use it for つ sometimes 

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by  Luke.


    It’s for iKnow site. I have to type down ミーティング in order to finish a session, but I can’t find a combination for ティ that works.



    I use L, personally – I think of it as “L for lower-case” – but it works just the same. As in te+li.

    Rather than what site you’re using, the real question to ask is which IME are you using?


    “hold down shift in hiragana” – no, that just gives romaji output.

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