Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Kentucky to Japan

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Kaylan Walker 12 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hello, My name is Jamie. I am 23 and from Kentucky. I am a Computer Electronics Networking (CEN) Major at Eastern Kentucky University. I have enjoyed anime and manga for many years now and love Japanese culture. I plan on taking trips to Japan and maybe eventually live/work there. I had been trying to learn Japanese, but it was daunting. I had been using Pimsleur and was looking for skype conversation partners, when I stumbled on Tofugu. That led me to Text fugu and I did the first season. I was really impressed with it and learning the Hirigana gave me a lot of confidence. I am excited to be a member now and continue my journey.

    Speak and read Japanese fluently.
    Make contacts in Japan.
    Visit Japan yearly.
    (Live/Work in Japan)



    Hey there Jamie, welcome to TextFugu! Good luck with your studies :)



    I am also 23 and from Kentucky. o.o

    But, yeah, welcome! Going to Japan would be pretty sweet.


    Welcome ^^ Good luck and I hope you stick at it.

    @ Chigun, You have one of the best hobbies ever, not dying, lol xD

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