Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Konianiachiwa!

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Vixelle 11 years, 5 months ago.

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    Hi from Toulouse (France), everyone :)

    A friend and I just decided to watch Evangelion 4.0 in theater in Tokyo, so here I am to learn Japanese better than her and make her jealous. Haha.

    Besides I watched way too much anime, and just like I learned English watching Stargate SG-1, I’m starting to get some sentences… Although I’m not too found of the idea of spending another 10 years in order to reach a reasonable proficiency level, so I guess a little boost should help!

    TextFugu sounds pretty much like it’s clever, to the point and efficient, on the contrary to most methods I’ve been peeking at. I really liked the beginning, as well as WaniKani, so there’s no reason the rest should not be as good :)




    Welcome! When were you in Japan? Where did you go (besides cinemas in Tokyo)?

    Love Stargate here too. Just don’t forget that “Jaffa! Kree!” isn’t actually an English phrase. =P

    One query: is “Konianiachiwa” some manner of pun or wordplay that I’m not getting?



    Never went to Japan actually, I will though to see Eva 4 (which is to be released at some point next year) ^^

    And konianiachiwa is actually the way kero-chan says hello in CCS (yeah I watched that all, that’s the issue with girlfriends). See the attached reference material: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iT1I1M8rcJg




    Oh, sorry, I misread that. Thought you said you were in Tokyo and had decided to watch Evangelion 4.0 while you were there. Got any other plans besides movie-watching, then? =)



    Oh well. No.

    I guess that if I end up speaking kind of Japanese, I’ll eventually go living there for a few months/years.

    Then I’ll turn to some other ridiculously complex language. I already speak French, so I guess I’d have to pick some Arabic or Russian =)

    But let’s focus on Japanese right now! Being unable to read anything is so frustrating… I mean, learning English was as easy as getting everything written in English everywhere, and start understanding words. Now with Japanese, try to do that, and you’ll quickly discover that the kanas are far from being enough to read!

    (Well, at least I don’t get jack shit to my current Facebook page :3)



    Yay! Hi! I love Stargate too!!

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