Hi all,
My name is Scott & I’ve been living in Japan for almost a month now, so you can say I’m on an accelerated mission to learn Japanese!
Finding people to practice with is not a problem, including my wife who’s bilingual.
Besides online lessons, I started taking a local Japanese course in town. But as you can imagine, trying to learn Japanese from people who don’t speak English can be quite slow and frustrating.
All that being said. I mastered my Hiragana in about two weeks thanks to the free chapters in TextFugu, and just signed up for full access. I’m really excited to learn more. Of course, my longterm goal is to be fluent enough to function in everyday Japanese society. But short term, I need to learn the basics, like how to order a glass of water and not be brought three pates of yakisoba. (I learned ‘mitsu’ vs ‘mizu’ the hard way).
I’ve been studying about 1-2 hours per night and super excited about going forward with TextFugu.
スコット (Scott)
And ps.. this beats other online lessons I’ve tried, hands down! Great Job Koichi!