Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) konnichiwa from oregon

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 10 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hello all… My name is Rigdzin Norbu. I tried to learn Japanese more than fifteen years ago (before all these cool digital tools were available) without any success: I just couldn’t figure out how to learn on my own. These days, self-guided study is a awful lot easier. Then, like now, I hoped to learn enough Japanese to make my way through Japan and, eventually, to be able to read the Zen masters’ commentaries and teachings directly.

    Since then, I learned Tibetan well enough to speak a little and translate Buddhist texts and philosophy, which is how I spend my free time. I am hoping that my experience with Tibetan will improve my chances this time around.

    I am heading to Japan in the spring of 2015 to visit a number of Buddhist temples, eat a lot of good food, and practice speaking Japanese. I hope to be able to ask questions, order food, figure out directions and the like, so I mostly focused on speaking, hiragana, and katakana between now and then. But kanji, I know I have to commit to learning the Kanji….

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by  rigdzin.


    You may find you’ll need to learn Classical Japanese, which could be a whole other level of difficult, but I have to admit I’m no expert in how Zen texts are written. In any case, good luck with that. =)

    Which temples were you planning to visit? Going to drop in on any Shinto shrines too?

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