Home Forums The Japanese Language kun'yomi versus on'yomi

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    Is there a clear cut explanation of the difference and usage of these versions of kanji? Even the Kanji page has it’s problems, where sometimes it would say something is pronounced using the kun’yomi because it’s alone where as later it says it uses the kun’yomi reading because it has hiragana attached and isn’t alone. To further complicate the problem, sometimes it even says it uses a certain reading because it has kanji attached to it, not because it has hiragana attached.
    A friend says that depending on the kanji, it uses it’s on’yomi with hiragana and it’s kun’yomi with no hiragana, or vice versa.
    So far it’s been a “learn through experience” ordeal, where learning to use which pronunciation comes from hearing someone else use the words, while also just knowing that the kun’yomi reading is such and such while the on’yomi reading is so and so, rather than learning kun’yomi is such and such and I use it when there’s nothing/hiragana/kanji attached.



    The basic rules are:
    kunyomi is used when alone OR with hiragana attached (so when not combined with other kanji)
    onyomi is used when combined with other kanji
    However, these rules are only basic and there are MANY exceptions. So the rules become almost useless anyway.

    It’s probably easier to just learn the vocab words. Or use WaniKani :D



    +1 for zeldaskitten. Those are the true rules, and indeed there are exceptions half of the time.

    But nevertheless people should stop worrying about the rules. Like seriously. The rules are not going to help you when you’re trying to read sentences. They are like training wheels.

    When you get into the real world those training wheels will be too slow; only experience will help you then. So when you get to that point, forget about “how to read it”; instead, remember the WORD ITSELF.







    Great call Mr

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