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    Hey people.

    I got Lang 8 corrections done on a fictional conversation i wrote up and would just like some extra comments and explanations on their answers. I couldnt find answers using Denshi Jisho. Heres the first two.

    Intended line: What are you doing?
    Me: あなた は 何 を するか。
    Correction: あなた は 何 を しているのだ?
    They also commented: You can say also ” きみ(おまえ)は何をしているんだ?”

    What is ‘しているのだ’ exactly? And in the comment version, whats with the ん in there instead?

    Intended line: I’m going to the store to buy eggs.
    Me: 卵 を かう で てんぽ に いく。
    Correction: 卵 を かい に おみせ に いく。
    They also commented: You can say also ” 卵をかいにいくのよ”

    What is おみせ? And how come in is correction he has changed the verb to buy from う back to い?

    And in regards to his comment, is he saying i can just say that im going to buy eggs without mentioning the store because one would have to go to the store to buy eggs anyway so ‘store’ is omitted from the sentence? And the のよ are just both sentence enders?

    Thanks in advance to all helpers!

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    している is a conjugation of する. It means that the thing you do is something you do and continue doing, instead of just an instant action. Instead of explaining the whole grammar point, I’ll redirect you to this article which explains it very nicely. http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/teform

    The のだ thing: When you want to say something explanatory you can add a の in the end instead of です/だ.
    「今は忙しいの。」 = “The thing is that (I’m) busy now.”

    The の can sound a little soft (feminine) so you’ll often hear people say のだ instead. Sometimes you’ll see a んだ instead, probably because it is slightly easier to say.
    Then I just wonder why it is corrected to のだ/んだ because I remember reading that you don’t use だ in questions, just の.

    When asking for an explanation in English you often ask “isn’t it (blah blah blah)?” You can actually do the same in Japanese. 「blah blah blah んじゃない?」
    「先生んじゃない?」 = “Isn’t he a teacher?”

    You can also read about the のだ thing on this link under the heading “The 「の」 particle as explanation” http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/nounparticles#part5

    Unfortunately, I can’t help you with the second one.



    I’ll try to help you with the second, but my explanation isn’t very good. お店, or おみせ, refers to “store” or “shop.” よ is a sentence ending particle to point out something. Colloquially, you are allowed to just add の at the end of a sentence to provide explanation, in place of です.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by  Naoya.


    卵 を かう で てんぽ に いく。 = “I’m buying eggs then going for a walk.” (though it’s not properly conjugated)
    卵 を かい に おみせ に いく。 = “I’m going to the shops to buy eggs.”
    卵 を かい に いく のよ = “I’m going to buy eggs.”

    V-stem+に+いく = “going to (verb)”. Which is to say, “going to (a place) with the express purpose of (verbing)” – it’s not the same as the other English use for “going to (verb)” which means “I intend to (verb)”, so don’t get them confused. かう got changed to かい because that’s how the grammar works – quite a bit of grammar tacks onto the verb-stem, actually. And yeah, as Naoya said, おみせ = shop. You can just say みせ in casual speech, too.



    Brilliant replies!

    Thank you all!

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