Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Latin-American wants to learn

This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Lester 12 years, 3 months ago.

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    Hello everyone. My name is Lester and I live in Puerto Rico (yes, I’m Latino and have a very English name, my parent’s choice). I work in the governent currently, I am in my mid 20s and I live with my parents. Shameful? Not really, I am physically handicapped and wheelchair bound.

    English isn’t my first language, Spanish is. Me and my brother basically taught ourselves English by watching American TV/Films, reading comics, and playing Videogames (in my case, specially RPGs) as kids. By the time we where teens, we where extremely fluent and basically found middle/high school English classes (required here as we’re an U.S. Territory) a joke. I can honestly say English has turned into my primary language, as I communicate online with it exclusively, don’t watch local TV, and only speak Spanish with locals and my family (excluding my brother, we speak a lot in English still and a 50-50 mix of Spanish / English  the rest of the time).

    Well that was a lot of unneeded information, hehehe.

    Why do I want to learn Japanese? Well, mostly because I want to read manga, play Japanese Videogames, and watch anime at their native language. Life has taught me that things get lost in translation and entertainment media tends to be better in their native tongue. Wait a minute… Gasp! We have an otaku (loanword definition) here? Not really. While I find Japanese culture and history very interesting, I do not want to live in Japan or anything like that (although I’d like to visit, but alas, due to my physical handicap air travel to Japan is near impossible).

    :EDIT: Well I started reading on the first season and it seems I have screwed up one of the first lessons: I’ve told somebody about my intentions on learning Japanese. I told my brother over the phone. At first, he laughed at my face as he reasoned “why learn a language that is not spoken much in the world at whole, much less here?”. Which at first made me a bit sad. But then he said “I hope you go through with it though, if you really want to learn it, go for it. Don’t crack midway.” which put a smile back on my face. I’ll start with the lessons tonight or tomorrow and I won’t tell anyone else. When I’m confident I know a bit and can show progress, I’ll tell other people.

    • This topic was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by  Lester.
    • This topic was modified 12 years, 3 months ago by  Lester.


    Well I’ve been reading a few lessons for the last 3-4 hours and I don’t think this is for me. Sorry to everyone who read this and I took a few minutes if your time.

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