Home Forums TextFugu Learn these later kanji vocab

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 13 years, 3 months ago.

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    Im nearing the end of season 4 on textfugu and as i go through each kanji i learn the vocab thats associated with the kanji. Theres a bunch more Kanji vocab underneath that says “Learn these later”. I understand that but as i am going through each chapter it says i should be continually learning as much vocab as i can. Does he mean the vocab that says “Learn these later”?



    The general idea is that the words are used reasonably commonly, but you haven’t learnt the kanji yet, because it has more strokes. He’s giving examples of words where the current kanji you’re learning is used so that you can come to recognise it, but you (probably) won’t be able to fully read it until you’ve learnt the other kanji at a later stage.

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