Home Forums The Japanese Language Learning and Perfecting Your Own Pronunciation

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  MisterM2402 [Michael] 11 years, 8 months ago.

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    Just wondering if anyone has any tips for this. Unfortunately, I waited to learn Japanese until after I left Los Angeles where I knew several Japanese people, and I don’t currently know anyone here in Rhode Island who speaks the language. So I’m kind of at a loss for how to ensure I’m on the right track, especially in terms of pronunciation and intonation (I know tone isn’t as important as in Chinese but still, would like to have relatively normal inflections).



    Listen a lot. All the time. Listen to the NHK Radio News every day. Listen!
    Try to use words (or better yet, phrases) that you’ve heard used by native speakers so you know how they are supposed to sound. This is probably impossible, but you should strive for it anyway.


    Some people reckon shadowing is good for that, but I haven’t really tried it.

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