Home Forums The Japanese Language Learning Japanese from Chinese

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  DJBookachoo 10 years ago.

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    It’s my first major post here and I was trying to find tips for transitioning from chinese to japanese.

    My first language is English; I’m also fluent in standard Chinese and can therefore understand Japanese kanji and some pronunciation, but have little in the way of reading katakana or hiragana.

    What would you recommend would be a good way to learn Japanese from this starting point?




    Since you’re fairly comfortable with kanji, I’d say get to work on the kana (I don’t know how to pluralise that… kana? Kanas? Kani?) and once you’ve got that down (literally should take no more than a week) start working figuring out different kanji pronunciations/readings. You’ll probably want to try out WaniKani since it will walk you through the readings, and just beat vocabulary into your head. You’ll pick up a lot of the readings from vocab, and since you’re fairly comfortable with kanji-type characters you’ve got a serious leg-up on the whole thing.

    Honestly, vocab is probably your biggest hurdle, with grammar very close behind. I don’t know much about standard Chinese grammar but I’ve been led to believe it’s (comparatively) very simple. Japanese grammar requires study but I’d say you can pick up a great deal of it through experience.

    However, I speak English and understand some French – i.e. I don’t know that I’m even close to correct. But I would hit up vocab and basic grammar ASAP and you’ll be able to start jamming through stuff *really* quickly with regular use. You may also wish to email Koichi directly about this, he might have some insight. He’s usually pretty good about answering emails.

    Best of luck! Maybe also share your conclusions when you get going?

    I haz a blog http://maninjapanchannel.wordpress.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLQzB-1u-dg


    To really use Wanikani I would recommend at least recognizing some Hiragana first. To type in the readings you kinda need to know what it is your typing. Katakana I wouldn’t really worry about until you become more familiar with Hiragana.
    This will at least get you started.
    Good luck!

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  DJBookachoo.
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