Home Forums The Japanese Language Learning Japanese through IDOLS

This topic contains 291 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  マーク・ウェーバー 12 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #30128


    This is a thread for discussion of idols for all of us who are learning Japanese that uses the manipulation of the media in which idols appear to better our Japanese (これマジ), and just because, we like AIDORU. For the record, this was my idea and not Mark’s.

    I hereby give birth to this thread by remembering the roots of this generation’s idols started:


    Man, if only this forum supported image posting and video linking.




    [4:44:30] Mark Weber: There are a few of us here on the TextFugu BB who study Japanese, and like idols as well. This thread is for discussion of idols, but the main focus will most likely be the AKB family. Anything can be taken up here, and take it more like a sub-forum at a forum, but please try to stay on topic and keep related to idols.
    If you are not familiar with what Idols are, this is NOT the thread to as that question, and I will encourage you to read
    [4:44:41] missingno15: oh do you want me to add that?
    [4:44:47] Mark Weber: Yes
    [4:44:51] missingno15: okies
    [4:44:52] Mark Weber: I don’t want to be spammed with what Idols are
    [4:45:25] Mark Weber: Not the whole thing, just the keep on idol topic, and read this if you don’t know what idols are
    [4:48:00] missingno15: sugar, spice, and everything nice.
    [4:48:16] missingno15: that is what an idol is.



    how do you feel about this Mark?



    She hasn’t changed much 0.o

    How do you feel about this Missing?



    I can’t really do much from being so fatigued but I can at least cry


    Anyone gonna watch it? lol



    I didn’t know that the episodes were called “stages”. I watched the first episode and thought it was pretty good. The main story is still kinda vague which means it really could become anything. But episode 2 looks pretty interesting so I think I’ll stick with this series for a little bit longer.


    I’ll wait for some more episodes to come out, and then if people say it is worth watching I might get to it ^^ If it ain’t all that good, then there is so much other stuff out there that I would rather spend my time on :P
    Also looking forward to today’s special episode of akbingo, I wonder if it will be only related to sashi or there will actually be some interesting stuff in there :) I hope she beats 乃木坂46, now that they have put so much money in to commercials and such :D


    Maybe someone can help me out(missing :P), which episode of AKBINGO is this from?
    I want to see it bad :/



    I don’t remember which one exactly (obviously) but it was from this year

    EDITSU: [MOD REMOVE] most likely this one

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by  missingno15.
    • This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by  Hashi. Reason: no torrents here plz k thx

    That is a hint at least.. I will just have to get downloading :p thx

    Edit: thanks!



    If y’all are going to share torrents, please do it privately.



    my bad



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    • This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by  missingno15.

    I see what you are trying to do, it ain’t working all that good though…


    wub wub, not suprised though :D

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