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This topic contains 291 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by マーク・ウェーバー 12 years, 2 months ago.
May 18, 2012 at 3:03 am #30930
Only speculations, but it seems like the live@TDC will be late august.
(thanks H!O forums ^^)And if you haven’t already seen it 秋元康 posted on google+ that acchan will graduate during the concert and the theater concert the day after.
May 18, 2012 at 10:14 am #30940I’ve been curious. Earlier you said if they made a NYC48 that you’d boycott that. This led me to think of the several ways this sort of thing could be handled. Mind you I know very little about idols, but I wonder if you’d boycott it if it were setup in the following different ways:
1) Ambassadors: In this scenario the members of NYC48 would be all Japanese idols who set up shop in NYC. Some of them could be idols from existing groups who join NYC48 to help it get started, and for the experience, while others are new idols. They still would maintain a presence in Japanese media, but also take a more active role in American media. Both countries could vote for them.
2) Mentors: In this scenario the members are NYC48 would be all Americans, but real Japanese idols would be their mentors and coaches. The end result would be more American, but the core concepts of the Japanese idol phenomenon would be maintained.
Anyway, I guess my thought is they wouldn’t have to be all Americans americaning it up. ;)
What do you think?
May 18, 2012 at 11:11 am #30941The Japanese perception of idols in the West is too cynical. It just simply would not work because a vast majority of Westerners do not share the same values as the Japanese people when it comes to idol groups with exception of Western fans. For the sake of the girls that are going to potentially be in the group and AKB’s reputation, I would definitely not allow any group to exist in what we refer to as “the West”.
If you take a look at this CNN review with Akimoto Yasushi, the producer of AKB, that CNN interviewer basically seems like she questions that look down upon AKB. Its entirely in Japanese but there are questions like “You have created songs about prostitution and suicide. Isn’t this a bad image for girls everywhere?” which I hope makes him reconsider his decision because Westerners can not look beyond the surface and point out the bad things first before they can even look at any good points which we call “criticism” but theres a point where it divides into “constructive criticism” and “criticism” just because it looks like another WTF Japan topic.
Back to the actual topic, the idols themselves do not have to be Japanese. This is the case in JKT48 where all the members are Indonesian (JKT = Jakarta,Indonesia). So in NYC, or just USA in general, it would be difficult to ascertain who gets in because the US is a huge melting spot so to speak. In the case of Japanese media coverage, JKT gets little to no coverage because its just not in Japan.
Either way, what I just really want to say is that idea of Japanese idols or anything like it existing in places other than Asia or Japan is impossible.
May 18, 2012 at 12:21 pm #30942@missingno15 – If I understand you correctly, then it sounds like you not a fan of the idea because idols, and the concept of idols, don’t get respect in the US, or outside of Asia in general. Would you say that’s correct?
This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by
May 20, 2012 at 4:33 am #30987Pretty much.
May 20, 2012 at 6:44 am #30993I can’t blame you there. I feel the same way when my hobbies or interests are painted in a negative light. I have to admit when I first started talking with you about idols I expected to see or hear about a darker side to it, but it sounds like it’s generally a positive thing for the fans and the idols. There aren’t enough communities that are based on that kind of positivity.
May 20, 2012 at 8:15 am #30996everyone else is basically like
Yup, well I guess there are some negative things about idols but I like the positive things about it which I find there is a lot of
May 20, 2012 at 10:27 am #30999Haha, that pic is hilarious!
May 21, 2012 at 3:14 am #31027My package is sent, and now in transit :D :D should arrive Wednesday!
May 23, 2012 at 1:12 pm #31116AKB48 Preliminary Results
Though its still anyone’s guess, still subject to massive jumps
May 29, 2012 at 9:12 pm #31275Flawlessly voted for my members
Need a video on how to vote for your oshimen?
Take a look at my video right here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=degd-10cF4sMay 30, 2012 at 12:32 am #31279One mistake, you could choose the very bottom option, which was “none of the above”, so you don’t have to choose a prefecture. ^^
June 5, 2012 at 3:05 am #31417Less than 24h for senbatsu! excited :3 Yuihan #1 please xD
Nah, I am fine with whoever ranks highest, pretty much all members deserve it for the hard work they have done. I just hope Yui won’t get tangled up somewhere in the middle of the 13th-18th place fight. There were so few votes setting the members apart in these ranks, that everything can happen. To be honest, this is probably what will be most exciting to watch for me :312th Yui Yokoyama 4,301票
13th Aki Takajo 3,661票
14th Ayaka Umeda 3,484票
15th Minami Minegishi 3,396票
16th Rie Kitarie 3,302票
17th Tomomi Kasai 3,227票
18th Sayaka Yamamoto 3,218票19th Miyuki Watanabe 2,976票
June 5, 2012 at 8:01 am #31419http://www.akb48plus.com/senkyo/en/
http://www.akb48plus.com/senkyo/Tune in!!!! Watch history be forged
June 6, 2012 at 12:49 pm #31457順位 名前 票数
1位 大島優子(K)108837
2位 渡辺麻友(B)72574
3位 柏木由紀 (B)71076
4位 指原莉乃(A) 67339
5位 篠田麻里子(A) 67017
6位 高橋みなみ(A) 65480
7位 小嶋陽菜(A) 54483
8位 板野友美(A) 50483
9位 松井珠理奈(S) 45747
10位 松井玲奈(S) 42030
11位 宮澤佐江(K) 40261
12位 河西智美(B) 27005
13位 北原里英(B) 26531
14位 峯岸みなみ(K) 26038
15位 横山由依(K) 25541
16位 梅田彩佳(K) 2452217位 高城亜樹(A) 23083
18位 山本彩(N) 23020
19位 渡辺美優紀(N) 19159
20位 秋元才加(K) 19121
21位 佐藤亜美菜(B) 17009
22位 倉持明日香(A) 14852
23位 島崎遥香(4) 14633
24位 高柳明音(K2) 14111
25位 秦佐和子(K2) 13920
26位 増田有華(B) 13166
27位 大矢真那(S) 12142
28位 矢神久美(S) 11712
29位 須田亜香里(S) 11323
30位 古川愛李(K2) 11179
31位 木崎ゆりあ(S) 10554
32位 小木曽汐莉(K2) 959633位 岩佐美咲(A) 9297
34位 松村香織(S研) 9030
35位 向田茉夏(K2) 8552
36位 仲谷明香(A) 8505
37位 中田ちさと(A) 8315
38位 宮崎美穂(B) 8173
39位 永尾まりや(4) 7809
40位 藤江れいな(K) 7782
41位 小林香菜(B) 7195
42位 前田亜美(A) 7168
43位 福本愛菜(N) 6912
44位 仲川遥香(A) 6890
45位 田野優花(4) 6694
46位 山田菜々(N) 6683
47位 宮脇咲良(H) 6635
48位 片山陽加(A) 660249位 武藤十夢(A研) 6428
50位 石田晴香(B) 6333
51位 菊地あやか(K) 6185
52位 多田愛佳(A) 6140
53位 松井咲子(K) 6058
54位 山内鈴蘭(4) 6027
55位 仁藤萌乃(K) 6025
56位 木本花音(E) 5982
57位 大場美奈(4) 5969
58位 市川美織(4) 5963
59位 大家志津香(A) 5933
60位 小笠原茉由(N) 5919
61位 佐藤すみれ(B) 5706
62位 矢方美紀(K2) 5606
63位 中西優香(S) 5592
64位 小森美果(B) 5398-
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