Home Forums TextFugu Lesson material rollups request

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  hey 12 years, 5 months ago.

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    In addition to going through the lessons at home, I also go through them when I have a break at work, or on my iPad when I am out and about or travelling.

    Problem is, when I am at not at home, I don’t have the ability to update the content in Anki, so leave that for when I get home.

    There have been a couple of times when got into a situation where I wasn’t sure that I had imported everything or not and had to go back through all of the lesson pages looking for the Anki links and cross-checking them against what I had downloaded.

    What I’d really like is to have one page per Season that lists all of the downloadable material for that season, and possibly a link to the page where the material was introduced. Bonus points for milestone sections in each season where you have something like “By this point, you should be working through the following material . . . . . ”

    I’d much rather double up on study, with the option of telling Anki that I already know something, than miss out on reviewing something at the appropriate time.



    Before the update, there used to be the download links for all the pdfs and anki archives under each chapter. This needs to be brought back as it was useful for double checking if you had downloaded all the content for that particular chapter.



    We also use to have mouse overs…

    What’s that furious clicking sound?

    I think it’s Koichi perma-banning me.

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