Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Let's Go on an Adventure!

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    Hello all!

    My name is Kori and I’m super excited to be here! I’m excited to learn Japanese for a few reasons – first of I would love to eventually travel to Japan and maybe even teach music there, I have a few friends who are learning it as well, and the most important reason is that I’m running essentially a giant experiment on myself to make me a better music teacher!

    When you’re learning to be a music teacher, everyone always stresses that you’re really teaching a language, not an art (and they’re right!) But nobody ever really goes into how you learn a language so foreign compared to your own. I learned to read and play music at a VERY young age and don’t quite remember all the stumbling blocks I encountered along the way, and I feel like I’ve lost touch with my students.

    Japanese is quite similar to learning music! Foreign writing system that has nothing to do with the alphabet, strange sounds you’re not used to, it even has it’s own form of grammar and syntax once you start learning about theory. In completing Season 1 and learning the Hiragana, I’ve all ready picked up SO MANY THINGS that will help in my music studio and I’m excited to both learn more about how I can help my students and get closer to my goal of fluency.




    You’re aware the note names are all different in Japanese, yes? They’re named in katakana, using the old Iroha order – it’s a slightly archaic version of “alphabetical” order in Japanese, which takes its name from the start of a poem which uses each hiragana character exactly once, except for ん, which didn’t exist back then. (Well, actually, it uses each man’yogana character exactly once, but since man’yogana is the precursor to hiragana…)

    So instead of A, B, C, the musical notes are イ, ロ, ハ, ニ, ホ, ヘ, ト



    Good luck!

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