Home Forums The Japanese Language Life after textfugu

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  missingno15 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    So I’m nearly up to date on textfugu, what book/course should I use now, especially until more lessons come up? I know some of you were at this point before, what would you do?



    Et voila :)

    My main thoughts would be RTK or Core 2000/6000, but it’s more detailed in that thread.



    Vocab’s great…

    sentences are great…

    kanji is great…

    I’d attempt to get access to as much Japanese as possible, now that you have a pretty good base to work off of. I imagine that’s similar to what MisterM is saying in his forum post, perhaps?



    Halfheartedly do RTK and become awesome

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