Home Forums The Japanese Language Little problem with もっと

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    Hey there, I have a little problem with the sentence
    本 を もっと よんだら どう ですか?

    which in Textfugu is translated as “How about you read more books?”. My problem is with もっと which sounds weird before “read” and not before “books”. Is that always the case with もっと? I mean, to say “I will eat more sushi” I must say: 私は寿司をもっと食べる ? At least from an english and spanish point of view it sounds more natural to say 私はもっと寿司を食べる。 and thats why i wanted to corroborate that in Japanese もっと goes always before the verb.


    Ah, nvm… now I remember that with たくさん its the same story, you modify the verb and its the same with すぎる, its always the verb, I dont know why with もっと it shocked me so much and the others seemed so familiar tho they r the same case.



    Actually, もっと can go pretty much anywhere in the sentence. Word order isn’t nearly as important in Japanese as it is in English.

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