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  • #14669


    Why Textfugu? Why did you make me watch Lost?! Now I’m hooked like when I watched Death Note… Ugh…

    (Feel free to talk about shows of any kind you enjoy watching and what not.)



    I watch everything AKB related. Or at least I try to

    Other than that, I got Pokemon Best Wishes ready to watch, seen 天体戦士サンレッド without subtitles,

    AND BEST OF ALL, プリティー・リズム・オーロラ・ドリーム!!!



    I’m watching a J-Drama called “Tiger and Dragon,” and a few sporadic episodes of “Avatar: the Last Airbender.” That show always puts a smile on my face.



    Blue Exorcist

    It’s like Naruto, but Christian mythology.

    Check it out: http://www.hulu.com/blue-exorcist









    He turns into a cloud.

    Currently addicted to Bleach… and found out you can turn off subtitles on some of the later seasons (on hulu that is).


    I watch Dragon Ball.
    Nice and simple answer.

    (It’s in English though – not advanced enough for watching in Japanese yet)


    Watch your new episodes dubbed/subbed then, but then go back and find the ones you’ve already seen in Japanese and cover up/turn off subtitles.



    I watch everything on Hulu— o wait, no I don’t, cause only U.S of A residents can watch things on it.



    Hulu sucks anyways due to ads… If their paid service got rid of the adverts then it might be something to be jealous of ;)


    Watching Clannad third time around :P that anime is so epic


    Yes, Clannad is a guilty pleasure =)


    2 good films I’ve just watched yesterday on netflix (downloadable):

    Big Man Japan
    Adrenaline Drive

    Both are hard subbed on download.


    about adds. You can install Ad-block plus for firefox(free add-on) which will remove all adds. You will no longer see adds on any site, not even in the start of youtube videos or on crunchyroll. This also blocks banners and all that stuff :P havn’t seen an add the last 3 years that I have had it installed :)
    Can only recommend it.

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