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This topic contains 8 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Revenant 13 years, 6 months ago.

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    I lost (reference to the other thread :P) track of all the different Anki-Decks I added throughout the first two Seasons of the book.

    I find it hard to keep track of so many different small Decks.
    What can I do to be on top of them all again?
    Especially all the kanji decks.



    Koichi is making a deck with everything together so just wait ’till it comes out if you want.

    OMG how do you do superscript?





    Oooooooooooooor… you could go File>Import, click on the deck you want to merge with the current one and BAM! Actually no, you’d have to repeat it till *all* the decks were as one, but *then* BAM!!

    @Armando: Either: copy it from another page; type (in Windows) Alt+253 or Alt+0178 (on numpad); insert symbol (or superscript button then 2) in MS Word; some other methods that escape me.



    yep yep, making a lot of the decks more… compressed.



    As long as we’re talking about compressing decks… there’s a lot of overlap between decks. The Ultimate Verbs/Nouns/Adjectives decks have some of the same words from their non-ultimate cousins; some words from the kanji decks appear in non-kanji decks as well, etc. I have Seasons 1/2 and Ultimate Nouns/Adjectives all in one giant deck (by the process Mister mentions), but it did take some doing to toss out all the repeats. It would be awesome to eventually have a deck that covers all of Seasons 1/2/3 with no repeats.


    @Quufer: Yeah, I agree. But, since Koichi likes to spend his time recording new audio for every instance of the same word, it means you get a choice of which one sounds best :P I’m sure there are at least 3 different audio files for “yasashii” haha



    The recent omnomnom he recorded for somewhere in Season 2 made up for it.

    I feel like going through all the Kanji pages again, deleting my old Anki Decks and re-add all the Kanji decks up to thew newest again. Else I feel like I am missing important reviews.



    In the meantime I simply took all the different Kanji Decks up to the point where I am and merged them into one single Deck.
    After a few rounds of reviews everything will be neatly mixed up and really challenge me at reviews.

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