Home Forums The Japanese Language Meaningless, but entertaining realization: 玉子

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  trout 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Sorry for wasting your time, but I just had a realization about the kanji for Tamago (egg) 玉子  =  “child ball”. This had to have emerged through such a primal thought process. I can see a conversation occurring, shortly after Amaterasu worked her magic:

    What shall we call this thing? It’s a kind of ball from which the child of something emerges. Fantastic!

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by  Pindy.


    Ha! Nice one, that is cool.



    Uh oh—I think the source I read was wrong. I believe “tamago” is really 卵.

    Damn. It was so perfect.



    I think you’re OK.   玉子 is used for chicken eggs only and for eggs that have been cooked (like an omellette =玉子焼き).

    卵 = eggs in general.   I haven’t eaten lunch yet, this is making me hungry….

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