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    In maybe an hour or so…. I was thinking there will not be very much talking in Japanese given my rather beginner level skill (especially in terms of speaking)… But I was just curious if there is anything I should know beforehand…

    (note: The foreign exchange student is part of the program with my brother’s girlfriend’s brother’s cousin…. a mouthful, but just know this as well.)

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 10 months ago by  Yamada. Reason: "(note)"


    Anything you should know? Nothing really springs to mind. First greeting could be a little weird, though – as host, you should be initiating the greeting, but it’s a little uncertain whether you should bow or shake hands. He may offer to shake hands (which, thanks to Western influence, is starting to become more common in Japan) – if he does, don’t bow while you’re doing so.

    Lone Star, I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate…



    I was pretty terrible…. speaking the language is way harder than writing it :( He did however confirm my ら column pronounciation… and caught my mistake in writing た (I had always put the first stroke above the line thing on the left line)…. I am going to take a Japanese class next year, so I might be able to get some verbal practice in, but I doubt it will be anything most Japanese would use…. I felt like I knew A lot of things but when it came down to it, I had trouble expressing it in speaking (this is my first time actually talking to someone else who speaks japanese….)
    Should I just use skype or something with people who know both Japanese and English well enough so that I can practice my verbal skills?


    Isn’t your brother’s girlfriend’s brother’s cousin also your brother’s girlfriend’s cousin? Brothers and sisters generally have the same cousins, don’t they? :P



    Lol, I think you are right….. I did’t think of that… but still, ” brother’s girlfriend’s brother’s cousin” definitely sounds cooler…. :D



    Farther’s farther’s grandson’s girlfriend’s brother’s parent’s sibling’s child.

    Anyway, have fun. How long are they with you for?



    I guess I forgot to mention I was just going over to my Brother’s Girlfriend’s brother’s house…. so I am not the actual host for the exchange…. I plan on doing it next year if at all possible though…


    @Astralfox: Are you English by any chance?



    I recognise that the colour of my neighbours trousers is not technically a criminal offence…

    What gave me away? XD (actually ‘father’ isn’t supposed to have an ‘r’ in it anyway, my spelling is just awful.)


    Yeah, it was “Farther” :P Many English accents are such that it’s a common spelling mistake; same goes for “idea/idear” and the like.

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