Home Forums 自己紹介 (Self Introduction) Metta! Returning to Textfugu with questions

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    Hello everyone!

    During college I purchased a lifetime membership to Textfugu and I absolutely loved working with it. The writing and teaching style definitely helped me learn quickly. Things got a little hairy during school though so my attention needed to be pulled towards my degree. I finished the first two seasons before I had to stop.

    So here I am again starting back up. Now that I’m here I had a few questions to ask the community.

    1) How do you begin after leaving?
    I am inclined to just start again from the beginning and study like I used to in order to ensure I remember everything properly. Does anyone have any experience with stopping in the middle of the course and then picking it up again?

    2) How do you become active in the community online?
    I am assuming this is as easy as just posting. I have never really had success with being involved with forums in the past due to self doubt and fear of rejection. But now that I can see what the issues were, it should be a lot easier to overcome them.

    I hope everyone is progressing with their Japanese learning well!

    As for why I am learning Japanese, I want to be able travel and perhaps even live in Japan for some period of time. I also want to be able to learn more easily about customs and culture through the Internet. My mind is blown by the idea of how much information and communication is lost due to language barriers on the Internet.

    With metta.



    Welcome back!

    I’d be inclined to start over from the beginning. Figure if you find you’re still remembering everything, you can just skim over that bit. =)

    And yeah, being active in this community is as simple as posting in the forum. No need to worry about rejection – there’s no such thing as a stupid question. Plus, I’m always lurking around ready to stick my nose in. =P

    On a side note, what’s “metta”?

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