Home Forums TextFugu Missing vocabulary?

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    みんなこんばんは。I’ve been using TextFugu for a while, and just recently reached the はず grammar point. I’ve noticed that some sentences in the worksheets use vocabulary that was never introduced earlier. Verbs like “to have” and nouns like “name” and “question” (which seem like pretty important words to know, haha) began appearing on worksheets. Is this intentional? Will these words be learned later, and are simply included for the sake of demonstrating a grammar point? Asking for a friend.

    - Sean


    TextFugu has never been awesome when it comes to vocab. For example, the particle へ never gets taught – later on, he just starts talking about it as though you already learnt it.

    It’s possible those are holdouts from the last time Koichi overhauled the syllabus, though I confess I haven’t checked in a while.



    Thank you for the response, you’re quite helpful! It is no big deal, I’m learning a lot of kanji and vocab over on WaniKani, and I can get help with the へ particle through other means (my friends taking Japanese in college might be able to help!)

    - Sean
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